ABB EV chargers
The first batch of ABB EV charging stations arrived, Job and Vincent unpacking them. They’ll be available for customer charging when visiting our office or experience center and of course for our own team with a growing number of EV’s. These are the first addition of ABB to our building, more to come soon!
Heat boards for testing
Spencer, one of our engineers, is finishing some of the heat generation boards we’ve developed to simulate different heat loads in our HRM prototypes. We can generate up to 8kW heat load per cassette (32kW per HRM), using custom designed high-power components. Using our flexible board layout we can simulate single, dual or quad CPU […]
Testing the liquid
After the first barrels of liquid arrived last week, testing has been started. The liquid will be tested at -80°C, -60°C, vacuum / drycooled at -50°C and longer periods of -20°C. Multiple experiments will be done, the liquid on it’s own and the liquid with some of our custom designed sensor boards in them to […]
iXora informs Dutch parliament
On April 5th, our CEO Job Witteman was invited to inform VVD members of Dutch parliament about datacenter challenges and sustainability possibilities for datacenter industry. Subjects such as heat re-use for district heating, immersive cooling to increase energy efficiency and location planning were among the topics.
Prototypes have arrived in Ede
Today the first batch of prototypes arrived! In the coming weeks we’ll be installing them in our experience center and start performing the first series of tests.
Prototypes in final assembly
At Cortexon (a Legrand company), our partner for production of the first HRM series, the first prototypes are getting into their final stages!
Progress experience center
In our experience center in Ede the construction continues. To offer space for customer pilot and test environments, more racks are being installed.
iXora joins SDIA
iXora joins the SDIA, the European platform for a sustainable digital economy. “We have joined the SDIA in appreciation that together we are stronger and can make a difference. We realize that we cannot change the world all by ourselves; we need to collaborate in order to set the transition in motion.” – Job Witteman, […]
iXora boards Switch Datacenters for first testing phase
Switch Datacenters is allocating an area for testing purposes using iXora equipment. Working closely with their customers, Switch is thriving towards a more energy efficient future. By using the residual heat from the servers, Switch can provide hot water to the neighboring building, infrastructure to do so is already in place. Using this technology reduces […]
Kickstart Europe 2022
Next week we’ll be visiting Kickstart Europe at the Amsterdam Rai, looking forward meeting with many stakeholders and leaders of the datacenter industry.