iXora premiered rack mountable immersion cooling during DCW ASIA 2023

iXora premiered rack mountable immersion cooling during DCW ASIA 2023

On October 11 and 12 we participated Data Center World ASIA 2023 in Singapore. This show was the world premiere of our HRM-4 rack mountable immersion cooling solution for data centers. From the beginning to the end of the conference it was extremely busy at our stand. It was great to experience the positive reactions from the visitors.

Our CEO Job Witteman also participated in a panel about Collaboration and Industry Initiatives for Green Data Centres with Chandra Irawan, Lee Yit Li, and Dr. Antonio Coccia. Job’s contribution to the panel was well received.  This once again confirmed to us that we are working on a real game changer for the industry! 

In Southeast Asia, cooling is a greater challenge than we experience in Europe. Cooling with relatively warm water (up to 40 degrees Celsius) makes a huge difference in energy and water use. 

We would like to thank all the visitors and we are looking forward to DCW ASIA 2024.


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